Drinking Water & Surface Soil Sampling
Drinking Water & Surface Soil Sampling
Drinking water usually contains a large variety of contaminants at or below levels established to be safe by the EPA. However, both inorganic (e.g. heavy metals) and biological contaminants may become elevated locally.
The most common contaminats of residential soil are lead and arsenic. Both of these toxins can be introduced to the soil directly, or can travel great distances from other sources via the groundwater. Lead and arsenic can be extremely dangerous, particularly to children who tend to have greater exposure to the soil outside of a home. Long-term exposure to heavy doses of arsenic can cause skin, bladder, kidney, liver and lung cancer. Children exposed to lead are at risk for learning difficulties, reduced growth and decreased mental abilities.
Hovey Environmental LLC can sample surface soils around your home, drinking water within your home, or surface water for a variety of contaminants including bacteria, heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), and many other environmental contaminants.

Consultation Services
Hovey Environmental LLC will provide an unbiased professional opinion on the environmental issues that are concerning you.